Three practices for happiness

With now four children aged 1-12, I am well tested regarding my mental health. I would like to share my top three tipps that keep me healthy and sane.

#1 – Moving in nature

There are only 500 meters (less than half a mile) between my house and the woods. I go there everyday. E v e r y d a y! Also when it’s raining. And when it’s already dark outside as well. The movement is important. So is being in nature, breathing fresh, crisp air directly from the woods who generate the oxygen.

#2 – Gratitude

What are three things that I am grateful for today?

1.) my face is burning from the wind and sun that I was exposed to the whole day today. (We are at the beach, it’s in the middle of fall.)

2.) I am grateful for my four boys and husband – all of them sitting on the sofa as I type these lines. They are munching on some potato chips and are watching an old Spiderman DVD.

3.) I am looking forward to an online call I am about to participate in less than 15 minutes, organized by the American Psychological Association (APA) on „Becoming a strategy Leader“.

If I were really strict, the third aspect wouldn’t count as it is something that I should not be grateful for already because it hasn’t happened, yet. However, also looking forward to things is a way of gratitude, right?

#3 Being present with your loved ones

That one is a powerful practice, and it’s my toughest practices as I tend to zoom out real quickly, thinking smart and not so smart thoughts while something else (something real) is happening in the real world. We all know when we are truly listened to. We all sense when someone is not present. So the basis of long-lasting deep relationships with a handful of people, is to grant these people the gift of your presence.

Be in nature – move your body in nature. #1 of my happiness-tips.

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